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All reviews for category Prunella

Prunella grandiflora Altenberg Rosa - Self-heal

Prunella grandiflora Altenberg Rosa - Self-heal

Product sheet

Out of the 15 ordered, only 10 survived. I waited long enough to be sure. Therefore, I have a negative opinion about this order.


Prunella grandiflora Freelander Blue - Self-heal

Prunella grandiflora Freelander Blue - Self-heal

Product sheet

very satisfied
very satisfied

Marie-Pauline C.


Marie-Pauline C.

5/5" would be translated as "5 out of 5" in British English.
Blue Himalayan Poppy - Meconopsis betonicifolia Perfect 17/06/2016 Alpine Erinus Dr Hähnle - Naked Alpine Perfect 17/06/2016 Star Diffuse Lithodora - Diffuse Gromwell Perfect 17/06/2016 Diffuse Lithodora Heavenly Blue G9 Nothing for now!! Regards Marie-Pauline

Marie-Pauline CHOQUET