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Who doesn't know the wild dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and the lion's tooth in our meadows? These native "weeds" have been cultivated for a long time in simple gardens during the Middle Ages for their cleansing, detoxifying, and refreshing properties, and now come in several improved varieties, such as the "Improved dandelion with a full heart". The dandelion, or rather the dandelions, are a tribe of very hardy perennial plants from the Asteraceae family, recognizable by their bright yellow flowers, the characteristic notches of their rosette-like leaves, and their feathery seeds gathered in almost transparent balls that scatter in the slightest breeze. The leaves are consumed, true nutrient bombs, raw in salads, or cooked like spinach. Its flowers can also be prepared as jelly, and syrup. The lucky owners of tortoises will also sow these plants in a small reserved square, the 'tortoise vegetable garden'. In the garden, the Dandelion adapts to ordinary soil, even heavy and compact. It likes the sun but can tolerate partial shade. It is simply sown directly in the ground, from March to June, for a harvest from November to April.

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