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Thistles for dried flower arrangements

38 results

38  results

A selection of thistles whose flowers you will dry for your dried bouquets. With a rustic charm, original, the flowers of many thistles are prized in floristry. Especially those of Eryngium or teasels such as the blue thistle of the Alps, Eryngium alpinum 'Blue Star' or Eryngium planum. And those of globe thistles or blue globes (Echinops). There are many other interesting species and varieties for floral compositions. For example, let's mention the giant teasel (Eryngium giganteum), whose large silver floral bracts (and prickly!) remain very decorative for a long time. Or the wild teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) which produces inflorescences with interesting graphics. Easy to grow in the garden, thistles add a unique touch to any composition, in flower beds as well as in vases, in fresh or dried bouquets. 

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