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Rare and unusual Conifers

58 results

58  results


Discover our rare and original conifers, atypical or collectible. Including the genera Abies, Juniperus, Cupressus, Pinus, Chamaecyparis, Sequoiadendron, and Cedrus we have selected many rare and unusual species and forms, evergreen or even deciduous, each tree or bush having its own personality. Rarely offered for sale, take advantage of our exclusive delivery service to welcome these exceptional conifers to your own garden.

Conifers can be planted at any time of the year as long as they are grown in containers, except perhaps in very hot and dry climates in summer or very cold climates in winter; where spring or late summer would be preferred for planting them in the garden. They are very undemanding, as long as the soil they are planted in is well prepared, loose, healthy and balanced, without excessive limestone or, on the contrary, too acidic. When installing them, keep in mind that the adorable little tree will accompany you for many years and will one day reach a much larger adult stature. Precise information about each plant's planting, development, and preferences is available on our website.

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