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Laurustinus (Viburnum tinus)

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Our range of Viburnum tinus. These evergreen shrubs are appreciated for their winter flowering, which brings life to the garden during the coldest months. Viburnum tinus stands out with its white to pinkish flowers grouped in dense umbels, often followed by very decorative blue-black berries. Among the popular varieties, 'Eve Price' offers abundant flowering and shiny leaves, while 'Gwenllian' is characterised by its pale pink flowers and berries that attract birds. The variety 'Variegatum', as its name suggests, has beautiful variegated, cream yellow foliage, bright even in winter.

The bush is ideal for hedges. It thrives in non-scorching sun or partial shade and appreciates well-drained soil, but remains tolerant of soil quality. Perfect in Mediterranean areas, this shrub withstands summer drought well. It is also an excellent choice for coastal gardens, as it is resistant to sea spray.

Plant the bush in autumn or early spring. Prune lightly after flowering to maintain its shape and encourage branching. It is also an opportunity to remove the berries, which can be useful to keep control over its spread in the garden.


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