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Purple-leaved Bergenia

13 results

13  results


Our purple-leaved Bergenia, or elephant's ears. At the top of the list is Bergenia purpurascens, with its large cordate and glossy leaves that turn beetroot red or purple in winter. But there are also several beautiful hybrids, such as the Bergenia 'Flirt' or 'Pink Dragonfly', whose leaves take on beautiful colours in the cold. Also discover Bergenia 'Eden's Dark Margin', whose purple-edged leaves turn shades of purple and brown in autumn and winter. In April, it bears beautiful clusters of flowers in harmonious shades of pink and red on dark red stems. The 'Eroica' cultivar is unique for its large, colourful foliage all year round, turning coppery bronze to chocolate in winter, and its bell-shaped flowers in deep pink-purple. Robust and undemanding, bergenias make good ground cover and are perfectly hardy. With their creeping rhizomatous base and abundant, tough, evergreen leaves, they form beautiful carpets that bloom from late winter, even in partial shade. Plant them in numbers to line the edge of a shrub bed, at the foot of a shaded wall, or in a cool rockery.


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