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Pelargonium - Geranium

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Geraniums or Pelargonium in Latin are generous plants, stars of our gardens, terraces, and balconies in the summer season. Perennial in their original climate in South Africa or in the Mediterranean area, they are cultivated as annuals with an upright habit (Geranium zonale) or trailing habit in the famous ivy-leaf geranium "King of Balconies". Very colourful, their 5-petalled flowers are grouped in rounded clusters at the end of the stem. They can be single or double and emit a sweet fragrance. There are also many varieties with decorative foliage such as 'Mrs Pollock', 'Vancouver', 'Madame Salleron'... appreciated by collectors.

Pot planting is done in May, with 15cm (6in) spacing. Removing faded flowers and providing liquid fertilizer for Geraniums every 10 days are necessary to ensure a beautiful flowering. Among the 230 species, ivy-leaf geraniums are the most commonly used for creating beautiful pots or hanging baskets. Zonal Pelargoniums are rather planted in summer beds and flower boxes with different annuals. In winter, bring your containers indoors to a cool but bright place and keep them frost-free to preserve them from one year to the next.

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