Botanical Pittosporum

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Our range of Botanical Pittosporum. Pittosporum are evergreen shrubs mainly native to Australia and New Zealand, appreciated for their small fragrant flowers. The most well-known wild species are Pittosporum tenuifolium and Pittosporum tobira. P. eugenioides, Pittosporum heterophyllum, and Pittosporum daphniphylloides are also interesting, but less commonly planted in gardens. Unlike varieties and cultivars, which are the result of horticulturists' work, these plants grow naturally.

Pittosporums belong to the Pittosporaceae family. This genus includes about 200 species. All of them are trees or shrubs ranging from 2 to 30 metres in height. Pittosporum thrive in sunny to semi-shady exposures and well-drained soil. They tolerate drought once established, as well as salt spray.


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