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Coloured foliage Viburnum

13 results

13  results


A collection of Viburnum with colourful young foliage, even spectacular in spring. These are deciduous or evergreen bushes that are remarkably decorative when their young leaves appear, as well as for their autumn colours in certain varieties. Among them, we can mention the Viburnum odoratissimum 'Coppertop', a vigorous evergreen viburnum with bright green, glossy foliage that bursts into magnificent shades of coppery red. The Viburnum sargentii 'Onondaga' has large deciduous leaves that emerge dark purple-bronze, turn dark green, and eventually become purple in autumn. Among the evergreens, we can also mention the Viburnum tinus 'Purpureum', with young leaves tinged with purple, ideal for partial shade in Mediterranean areas. Less conspicuous, but not lacking in charm, the lantane viburnum (Viburnum lantana) produces beautiful woolly young shoots in spring and its deciduous foliage turns fiery in autumn. All these bushes also offer melliferous flowering, white or rarely pink, more or less scented, from autumn to summer depending on the varieties. And their fruiting is often decorative at the end of the season.


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