Biodegradable pots

8 results

8  results

From 0,09 € Each

Available in 3 sizes

2,50 € Each

Available in 2 sizes


These Growing Pots, made from wood fibre, are an excellent alternative to regular plastic planting trays and transplanting pots: they are 100% biodegradable and permeable to water and air, as well as plant roots. Meaning you can sow or transplant your flowers, vegetables, trees, and bushes into them, and then place them directly in the garden soil without disturbing the fragile young roots of your plants. A virtuous, clever, and ecological product!

These small pots are mainly made from wood fibre from French forests and offer many advantages: their walls allow easy root penetration and ensure good water retention and excellent substrate aeration. The roots remain intact during transplantation, preventing plants from experiencing post-transplant shock. The wood fibre will gradually decompose and disappear completely once in the ground. Another advantage is that the phenomenon of root binding in trees and bushes is impossible in wood fibre growing pots.

These Growing Pots are available in different sizes and shapes, and are sold in sets.

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