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Perovskias atriplicifolia or Siberian Sage are small shrubs considered to be perennial with an upright growth. The powdery stems bear silver foliage and finely cut leaves, forming a graceful bshrub. Their tiny lavender-blue flowers bring lightness to borders and hedges. Abundant flowering from July to September, they thrive in siliceous, dry, poor, even limestone and stony soils but they prefer to be in very sunny locations. Do not over water! Among the 7 species, the 'Blue Spire' is mainly grown, reaching a height of 1.20m (4ft), or the 'Little Spear' at 40cm (16in) tall with a compact shape . We also have 'Superba' which has a bushy and upright growth. Pruning: Cut back young branches in February-March to two buds above the old hard wood. Pinch the tips of young shoots in May to obtain an upright form. Tip: For a beautiful effect from the first year, create a large clump with 5 plants spaced 60cm (24in) apart and mix them with golden Phormiums.


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