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Golden foliage Ajuga

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Our range of Ajuga or creeping bugles with golden foliage. These small creeping perennials, more or less evergreen in winter, are distinguished by foliage in yellow to golden tones, similar to the varieties 'Gold Chang' or 'Petite Parakeet'. Their growth illuminates slightly shaded and cool places that they appreciate. Thanks to their stolons, they spread and form dense carpets that are dotted with blue, pink, or white flowers in spring, depending on the varieties. An essential perennial in cool, moist, and heavy, even clayey soils, they thrive both in the shade of woodlands and on fresh slopes of rockeries. The bugles are perfect for dressing the base of trees and bushes, in association with spring bulbs or Lamiums with colourful foliage or fairy flowers (Epimedium) with delicate flowers and beautiful foliage.


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