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Rockery Conifers

182 results

182  results


Dwarf conifers, which are compact and known as rockery conifers, allow for the creation of a permanent and infinitely varied dispay, depending on the species and varieties. Among the largest selection of conifers currently available in France, we offer a wide range of small-sized conifers, in various shapes such as balls, pyramids, spread out or creeping, with blue, golden, or copper foliage, which are bring a very individual touch to restricted spaces. They come from the genera Picea, Abies, Pinus, Juniperus, Pseudotsuga, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, Thuja..., and are characterised by slow to very slow growth, allowing them to maintain a very compact habit and modest dimensions for many years, ranging from 20cm to 2m (7 in to 7ft) in height. They integrate well in small gardens, rockeries, and can be grown in pots, making them valuable for decorating patios or balconies, especially in winter.

Conifers can be planted at any time of the year as long as they are grown in containers, except perhaps in very hot and dry climates in summer or very cold winters, where it is preferable to plant them in spring or late summer. They are truly undemanding, if the soil they are planted in is well-prepared, loose, healthy, and balanced, without excessive limestone or, on the contrary, too acidic. For each plant, precise information regarding its planting, development, and preferences accompanies a detailed description.

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