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Poet's carnations

7 results

7  results


Our range of Pinks, derived from Dianthus barbatus. These pinks, known for the flagship varieties 'Indian Carpet' and 'Sooty', offer fragrant flowers in vibrant colours. Dianthus barbatus, like all pinks, is a plant native to Europe and Asia belonging to the Caryophyllaceae family. More biennial than perennial, it is robust, hardy, and characterized by its upright stems carrying numerous flowers grouped in dense clusters. Among the famous varieties, the selection 'Kaleidoscope' offers a wide range of colours, while 'Oeschberg' offers rich and dark shades. 'Hollandia', with its red and white bicoloured flowers, and 'Newport Pink', famous for its delicate pink shades, are also highly appreciated. Discover them in this selection.

When it comes to cultivation, the Pink prefers well-drained soil and a sunny exposure. Resistant to cold, it requires little maintenance, being satisfied with moderate watering and a balanced fertilizer application at the beginning of flowering. In theory, it is a perennial, but it is generally cultivated as a biennial, both in the ground and in pots. Its flowers are perfect for bouquets.


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