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Celosia is an annual plant with original and brightly coloured flowers, which bloom all summer until the frost in flowerbeds and planters. The genus Celiosa belongs to the family of Amaranthaceae, it gathers about fifty species, three of which are cultivated as annuals in temperate climates: Celosia argentea var. plumosa with feathery spike-shaped flowers, Celosia argentea var. spicata with thinner inflorescences shaped like lances, and Celosia argentea var. cristata, whose curious flowers resemble a rooster's crest in shape. The first two are bushy plants, while the third grows as a single stem. Some varieties of celosia can reach a height of 1.2m (4ft), while others do not exceed 20cm (8in). The leaves, with variable shapes depending on the varieties, are a fairly dark green and the flowers come in a wide range of colours ranging from pale yellow to purple, including various shades of orange and pink... Magnificent in flowerbeds or pots, they are also very good cut flowers for fresh or dried bouquets. Celosias are planted in spring after the last frost, in open ground or in pots, in sunny locations, in soil enriched with compost, remaining moist. You can overwinter potted plants indoors to keep them from year to year. To quickly decorate your terrace, balcony or garden, discover also our wide range of annuals, to sow or to plant.

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