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Maples with colourful bark

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Our selection of Japanese Maples with colorful wood, whose branches are particularly decorative in winter when the bush is devoid of leaves. While most Japanese maples have a rather classic wood, ranging in color from brown to green, some varieties stand out. In particular, the Acer 'Orange Dream' with its young orange wood that turns brown, 'Sangokaku' with its beautiful coral red bark on young branches, or the Acer 'Bi-Hoo' with its bright orange wood. These small deciduous trees or large bushes are also known for their silhouette and the flamboyant colors their foliage takes on in autumn. Combine several varieties of Japanese maples to vary the colors and structures of the foliage, and plant evergreen ground cover plants at their base, the effect is always dazzling at the end of the season and in winter.

Japanese maples generally prefer semi-shaded exposures and well-drained, slightly acidic, and cool soils. 

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