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Blue throatwort seeds - Trachelium

2 results

2  results


Our selection of Trachelium seeds includes sought-after varieties such as Trachelium caeruleum 'Black Knight' and its white variant 'White Knight', both selected for their uniform umbels, highly valued in floristry. Among the best, we also have the 'Purple Emperor' Trachelium which captivates with its sumptuous purple flowers, and T. caeruleum 'White Cloud' which offers a touch of elegance with its delicate white flowers, perfect for creating bursts of light in the garden. Let's add to this selection Trachelium caeruleum 'Lake Michigan', known for its robustness and abundant flowering in deep blue shades.

Trachelium is a perennial plant often grown as an annual, related to bellflowers. It is loved for its dense foliage and large umbels of small colourful flowers that attract attention from spring to summer. Easy to sow in trays, it lends itself to a variety of uses, from borders to floral arrangements. In mild climates, it can be sown directly in the ground in autumn on the surface of lightened, well-drained soil. Discover them in this selection.




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