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Phlox are annual or perennial herbaceous plants that form pretty flowering cushions during the summer. Their opposite leaves often give them a moss-like appearance, and their flowers, grouped in rounded bouquets, offer soft colors. Easy to grow, Phlox need to be watered in dry weather and requires compost for abundant flowering. These plants like fertile, well-drained soils, preferably non-calcareous, in sunny locations. They are used in flower beds, rock gardens, borders, and walls. Among the perennial varieties, is the Phlox paniculata, a vigorous, erect, bushy plant that can reach a height of 1m (3ft) depending on the species. The Phlox subulata, a dwarf, evergreen, very hardy variety, is an excellent ground cover that does not exceed 15cm (6in) in height and comes in various shades of white or carmine red. 

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