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Delosperma rustiques

20 results

20  results


The hardy Delosperma varieties in this selection include remarkable perennial ice plants known for their cold resistance. Among the most well-known are Delosperma 'Wheels of Wonder' or 'Wheels of Wonder Golden' with large colorful flowers, Delosperma cooperii with pink-purple flowers, and the variously coloured Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert', which are resistant to both dryness and cold. Delosperma deschampsii displays golden yellow flowers and can withstand temperatures as low as -15°C (5°F), just like Delosperma lineare. Other varieties also exist, including the eye-catching Delosperma 'Fire Spinner' with its orange and pink petals. As for the Delosperma 'Lemon Ice', it delights with its lemon yellow flowers, adding a bright touch to the garden. Finally, Delosperma cooperii 'Alba' seduces with its delicate white flowers, offering an interesting contrast to the other brightly coloured varieties. These varieties, with hardiness ranging from -8 to -15°C (17.6 to 5°F) in well-drained soil, are ideal for creating a lively and colorful garden throughout the year, without requiring much maintenance. Discover them in this selection.

These "ice plant" varieties will be hardier in well-drained, sandy or rocky soil that doesn't retain water in winter. They love the sun and are resistant to drought once established, but appreciate moderate watering during the growth and flowering periods, especially in pots.

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