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All reviews for category Fraxinus - Ash tree

Fraxinus excelsior - Ash

Fraxinus excelsior - Ash

Product sheet

Beautiful specimen of ash tree, straight as a leading shoot, shame I could only buy one...

John Loque

Fraxinus angustifolia Variegata - Ash

Fraxinus angustifolia Variegata - Ash

Product sheet

I confirm the rating of 5/5. This seemingly delicate ash tree is tough as nails. It endured the long summer drought and now greatly appreciates the constant rains. To be continued.


Thank you to PDF for this original find. A very beautiful specimen that has not suffered from the long journey to arrive in Dordogne. The very fine foliage gives a very elegant visual impression of lightness. With the almost daily storms since May, the regrowth is clearly visible with branches that start from very low down. Planting in partial shade with morning sun (for variegated deciduous foliage) is imperative, at least in our case. Waiting for the definitive regrowth.


Beautiful, well-ramified bush with delicate and quite brittle foliage. Good root system. Good packaging. Did not suffer despite a nine-day journey. Very good idea to place all the bushes in the same direction (not upside down) and indicate the top of the box with a leading shoot. Waiting for regrowth.


Fraxinus ornus - Manna Ash

Fraxinus ornus - Manna Ash

Product sheet

MOLIERES (24480)" would be translated as "MOLIERES (24480)" in British English as it is a place name and does not require translation.
Beautiful, well-rooted specimen resembling a vine-plant upon receipt. Good packaging. Planted immediately in association with a group of Salix Vitellina and Viminalis, regularly watered by spring rains alternating with good sunlight. The buds of the leaves grow very rapidly. Waiting for the recovery and the next regular, fragrant flowering.
