All reviews for category Dianthus seeds

Feathered Pink Sonata Seed Mix - Dianthus plumarius

Feathered Pink Sonata Seed Mix - Dianthus plumarius

Product sheet

Impeccable packaging
Still to sow to see! If the success rate is there. Sowing next month with the moon.

Samuel P.

Very disappointed
Out of 30 seeds, only 3 have germinated. RESPONSE FROM PROMESSE DE FLEURS: We are truly sorry as we place great importance on the quality of our plants and their success in establishing themselves. If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service at or via email: and we will proceed with a replacement or refund if necessary.

andré lecomte

Dwarf Feathered Pink Sweetness Mixed Seeds - Dianthus plumarius

Dwarf Feathered Pink Sweetness Mixed Seeds - Dianthus plumarius

Product sheet

No success!
However, I have been sowing my flowers for 50 years.

Michel D.

It is too early to give precise ratings, I have set everything up today. I have 45 years of gardening experience, if everything takes off properly, I will remain your customer. * A compliment on your very well-made website. With my sincere regards. Michel Dascalakis.

Michel D.

Superb Crimsonia Eye - Dianthus superbus seeds

Superb Crimsonia Eye - Dianthus superbus seeds

Product sheet

Nothing has grown!


Dianthus barbatus  Summer Sundae - Sweet William Seeds

Dianthus barbatus Summer Sundae - Sweet William Seeds

Product sheet

not a single seed has sprouted!

François B.

Notice will be given during the flowering period.

camille marie rose jeannine taisant L.

Very beautiful display in borders, what compliments!


Ras" can have multiple meanings in French, so I will provide translations for each possible meaning: 1. "Ras" as a noun: "shave" or "shaving" 2. "Ras" as an adjective: "close-cropped" or "shaved" 3. "Ras" as an interjection: "no way" or "not a chance" Please provide more context or specify which meaning you are referring to, so I can give you the most accurate translation.

Edith Mercier

12 LUC LA PRIMAUBE" would be translated to "12 LUC LA PRIMAUBE" in British English as it is already in a proper noun format.
Good yield
