All reviews for category Lupin seeds

Lupinus cruickshankii Sunrise - Annual Lupin Seeds

Lupinus cruickshankii Sunrise - Annual Lupin Seeds

Product sheet

These lupins do not flower at all for a long period, as advertised, but only in June, like all lupins. Furthermore, their colour does not resemble the photo, but they lean towards violet-white. In short, not at all what I was expecting.

Agnes B.

Meh. The flowering period is not long at all, it finishes, like all lupins, in early July. As a result, the desired effect was completely missed. Moreover, the colour is not at all like in the photo, it was a pale purple with white tips...


Lupinus hartwegii Mix - Annual Lupin Seeds

Lupinus hartwegii Mix - Annual Lupin Seeds

Product sheet

has never shot
My neighbour told me that he had never managed to grow any lupins in our gardens...why? It's a mystery...

Nadège R.

RAS" in English British can be translated as "No remarks" or "Nothing to report.
I'm waiting for spring to sow them.

Betty D.

Paris region
After sowing in open ground in April, very little germination occurred.


seeds not yet sown

camille marie rose jeannine taisant L.

To see when they have shot.


Lupinus Avalune Lilac - Annual Lupin Seeds

Lupinus Avalune Lilac - Annual Lupin Seeds

Product sheet

All my seeds have sprouted this year except for these ones. It's a shame because this Lupine looks so pretty :-) Response from Promesse de Fleurs: This plant is sown in April-May when the soil is well warmed up, in order to germinate and then bloom the following year. In my opinion, either the seeds were planted too deep or the weather conditions were not favorable. If the seeds are still viable, they will be able to germinate next spring. Best regards


St Malo
Seems too demanding as a species, no shoots have grown unfortunately.


Lupin seeds germinated, transplanted at 2 leaves stage into a larger bucket, they didn't recover from it. Out of the 30 or so seeds, I could save 2 or 3 young plants...
