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All reviews for category Annual Euphorbia

Euphorbia Diamond Frost

Euphorbia Diamond Frost

Product sheet

ISNEAUVILLE" does not require translation as it is a proper noun.
In good condition, the mini plugs are potted and ready for the morning frosts to come to an end.


teyssieu" does not have a direct translation in English. It appears to be a proper noun or a specific term that may not have an equivalent in English.
I keep this annual euphorbia in the house when it's cold - anywhere suits it -, soil almost always dry, then once the frost has passed, it can be pruned severely, it regains its size in a few weeks, and it's a flower festival for months. Please don't throw away these so-called annual plants out of pity, they are not!


A flowering young plant that is easy to maintain throughout the summer.


Bourg St Maurice in Savoie
This lovely young plant lives up to its promises and when mixed in a planter, it creates an airy and splendid display. However, does anyone know how to take a cutting or propagate it? Thank you for your feedback.


I love this young plant. It's a bit slow to start when it's cold, but the result is superb.


Flat 84400
Tiny for the moment, thus difficult to assess.


A brilliant plant, with a delicate habit that produces a beautiful white cloud. Perfect in a planter, it is one of the rare annuals that withstands very hot south-facing conditions. I have experimented with many, and for several years now I have been repurchasing in spring.


Just in case, I overwinter them to try and get them through the winter, but if that's not the case, I would buy them again without hesitation, they are a marvel of grace and gentleness!

Sylvia C.

quite small
Disappointed by the tiny size of the naked young plants.

christiane C.

Eure et Loir" translates to "Eure and Loir" in British English.
All the young plants have recovered well, beautiful fields of plants in the compositions.

Jean pierre