All reviews for category Clematis Vitalba

Clematis fargesii Summersnow

Clematis fargesii Summersnow

Product sheet

Complete satisfaction
Hello! My clematis has recovered nicely. It's growing with gusto on the branches of the mature climbing rose Ronsard, which has been there for a few years already. No flowers yet, but the pergola is ready to welcome it in all its magnificence.

Françoise Marie C.

Very well
The plant arrived in very good condition, well packaged and within the stated timeframe. As for its recovery, it's too early to tell.

Dominique M.

in good shape
Planted, now it's just a matter of waiting for better days for its growth.

Gisèle G.

Very promising start with regular watering.

Marie P.

Plant exchange
Very pleased with the exchange.

Maria C.

Very beautiful plant
No complaints. Product as described and plants well in the soil.

Alexandre B.

No worries
Already vividly blooming the flowering

françoise E.

small issue
Out of the two ordered clematis, one arrived damaged. Not completely broken, but damaged, probably shaken too much in a supposedly suitable packaging. However, I still have hope of saving the entirety of the shipment.

Laurent P.

Central Brittany
Purchase of this clematis in 04-2015 arrived in good condition, grew well in the first year, but did not bloom. The summer of 2016 was a festival in terms of flowering. Happy with the result, it is planted at the base of a wisteria and climbs into it. I recommend it.


Waiting for spring
It grew and bloomed very well after being planted, but has been looking rather sad since the drought in September, despite being watered.

Danièle C.