All reviews for category Cyclamen

Cyclamen hederifolium Album

Cyclamen hederifolium Album

Product sheet

I hope he will recover.

Gisele C.

Healthy young plants but a bit small.
The small size of the young plants received weakens their establishment. This process is a bit challenging. On the other hand, these cyclamens are very floriferous and vibrant.

Jacques B.


Catherine R.

Very disappointed
I had ordered 1 to try. It is still alive. However, these ones have died and the bulbs of "Naples" and "coum" cyclamen haven't sprouted. So I have 1 left out of 15, which is very disappointing.

Fabienne P.

No resumption
No resumption

olivier I.

too delicate
They have hardly endured the port and now appear dead 1 week after their reception.

Caroline C.

Small buckets of well-leafed young plants

Annie R.

BETTER the 2nd time
On the first delivery, leafless young plants, not very attractive at all, were replaced by much more robust cyclamens.

Jocelyne L.

Received cyclamen Coum Blanc bulb, but in your catalogue I had ordered a pot of young cyclamen plant. I planted it, but I haven't seen any flowers yet, which is normal. It will be during the next winter.

Isabelle C.

Arrived in perfect condition, growing very well.
