All reviews for category Lychnis

Lychnis coronaria Alba

Lychnis coronaria Alba

Product sheet

Beautiful subject, very pleased.

Corine B.

Well-packaged, well-stocked young plant.
I'm waiting to see how she's going to recover.

Saunier celeste F.

a bit disappointed because there are a lot of leaves for few flowers

marie-claude G.

Beautiful and well-stocked plant, very large. Very satisfied.

isabelle C.

beautiful plants now let's wait for the flowering

Emilia B.

Very healthy,
Have joined the old rose bushes

Anne L.

Marne, 51 (Zone 7)
Error on the received colour. The young plant formed a splendid clump the following summer but bloomed in a vibrant fuchsia color! :-D It's not a problem, I really like these bright flowers, I will buy a white one on another occasion.


Field of superb young plants
The young plants received in a small bucket are magnificent, they are vigorous and full of roots. I am certain they will grow well. I have rarely seen such beautiful plants in a bucket.

Brigitte G.

Very nice young plant. Well packaged.

francoise G.

Very promising, very leafy and ready to embrace the sun.

Marie-Paule C.