All reviews for category Phlomis - Hardy Jerusalem sage

Phlomis russeliana - Jerusalem Sage

Phlomis russeliana - Jerusalem Sage

Product sheet

Delivery without any issues as usual. Young plant in very good condition.
Potted upon receipt. Now I'm awaiting the first flowering.

Yveline L.

Arrive sans dommage, bien emballé. Bonnes racines, et il pousse bien dans le pot - prêt à planter quand la pluie s'arrête ;)" "Arrives undamaged, well packaged. Good roots, and it shoots well in the pot - ready to plant when the rain stops ;)


satisfaction" translates to "contentment" in British English.
Young plant received in very good condition. Waiting for next spring for flowering. I am satisfied with my purchase as with my previous orders. Website that I recommend.

Yveline L.

I have just received the young plant. In very good condition. Special care has been taken for the transport and I thank you for that. As with my previous purchases, I am entirely satisfied.


VISMES AU VAL" would be translated to "Vismes-au-Val" in British English.
Following my non-comment on 9/12/2017, so this campanulate flowered plant this year gave me entire satisfaction accompanied by blue Persicaria campanulata, which gives a very beautiful companion.


I have just received them. Everything was in very good condition. Thank you.

Camazzola B.

Very well
fast delivery

Jean-Pierre M.

Very well
Good recovery

michele A.

No note or review as I haven't seen these flowers yet, purchased after the flowering date, so I will only have an opinion in 2018.

Joelle B.

Has not developed or flowered (drought impact?). Has remained in a cushion shape.