All reviews for category Veronica - Speedwell

Veronica austriaca Royal Blue

Veronica austriaca Royal Blue

Product sheet

Plant en attente de développement" - "Young plant awaiting development
Ultra-fast delivery and young plant in perfect condition Always satisfied with Promesse de fleurs

Michelle M.

unhealthy young plant
young plant en mauvais état , sans doute elle repartira mais au prix vendu c'est tres moyen

Pascal V.

After planting in autumn and covering with a mulch of oak leaves for the winter, this young plant did not reappear in spring.

Marlène F.

The speedwell has taken root nicely but has refused to bloom, probably because the soil is too poor and the summer is too hot for it. Stay tuned for the next spring.

Anne-Marie B.

Also disappointed, the young plant has spread on the soil and has not flowered at all.

Sylvie B.

Very well
No particular concerns for this young plant, good reception.

beatrice M.

beautiful plant
A young plant, perfectly healthy and arrived in perfect condition. It should adapt well.

Anne-Marie B.

a bit small plan

colette M.

Veronica spicata Alba

Veronica spicata Alba

Product sheet

Eure et Loir" translates to "Eure-et-Loir" in British English.
Beautiful tall young plant with plenty of branches.


they are always very small

Danielle F.