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All reviews for category English Moschata Roses

Rosa Heritage

Rosa Heritage

Product sheet

Paris region
Received in a catastrophic condition, but not due to delivery: sickly branches, poorly or not pruned twigs, dry and blackened leaves... in short, I am extremely disappointed and have not received any response from the supplier after sending my message with photos. Response from Promesse de Fleurs. I apologize for this inconvenience, as we value the quality of our plants. The season is very humid, which has encouraged the development of diseases, especially since we do not treat our roses. If there are any issues with recovery, please do not hesitate to contact us at 0361760810. Sincerely


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to the individuals (Victorien for order preparation & quality control and the shipping service), the rose bush I received looks healthy. I've planted it near an olive tree, now I'm waiting for it to take root...


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to the people (order preparation & shipping), the rose bush received is healthy. It was severely shaken during transport (broken branches, including the main one, and soil spilled in the box), but after a thorough cleaning, it was immediately planted with granulated fertilizer. Now I'm waiting for it to take root...


Delivered with care, the rose bush has taken well.
This rose bush has already rewarded me with a bloom.

Thierry M.

a bit disappointed with my 3 Heritage rose bushes planted in March. All the pictures of the Heritage rose show pink roses. Mine are white...That wasn't what I chose.


Plant of good size, well conditioned. Good establishment.


We are looking forward to spring.
Received quickly and in very good condition, thanks to suitable packaging. Furthermore, the advice sheets are simple and clear. Looking forward to the first roses! Thank you.

Jean L.

I don't know yet how he will behave in Normandy.

Paulette D.

well-established rosebush
I would like to thank you for the exchange, despite the length of the delivery the rose bush did not suffer, thanks to the careful preparation by (HELENE).

Roger H.

Well packed, already planted, everything is alright.

Manfredi M.