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All reviews for category Damask Roses

Rosa damascena Mme Hardy - Damask Rose

Rosa damascena Mme Hardy - Damask Rose

Product sheet

Morières Les Avignon" would be translated as "Morières-les-Avignon" in British English.
Thanks to the individuals (DW order preparation & shipping service), the spreading old rose I received appears to be healthy. Planted near the "Souvenir de la Malmaison" rose, I am looking forward to seeing its development... Note: received without the specific research area label (which is essential for identifying the rose in all seasons).


Very very disappointed with the quality of the rose bush. All the leaves are diseased...


Roselle Hibiscus
Small potted rose received with aphids which I delicately eliminated so as not to damage the budding rose, whose flower I had the pleasure of admiring since. Good recovery with 2 other buds ready to bloom and new shoots.


Thanks to Hélène (order preparation and quality control), the naked root rose received is small but appears healthy. I am waiting for spring to confirm its successful establishment. This is the opinion of an amateur who has successfully planted over 390 different varieties of young rose plants in his garden (including 80 AUSTIN).


waiting for resumption...
Thanks to Hélène (order preparation and quality control), although small, the naked root rose plant received looks healthy. Planted near the Susan-Ellis white variety (AUSTIN), I am looking forward to the spring growth. This is the opinion of an amateur who has successfully planted over 380 different varieties of rose plants in his garden.

Thierry P.

Presented ...to Mrs. Hardy ...
No negative comments on this gift, water!


Oise" would be translated as "Bird" in British English.
After being greatly disappointed upon receiving my small rose bush, I would like to make a correction to my comment. It still only has 3 stems at the base, which have slightly strengthened, but it has numerous buds and the delicacy and fragrance of the few bloomed flowers alone are worth a little patience to fully enjoy these beauties. With fertiliser (mixed horn and blood), water, and love.

Maguy Prévot

It's the worst out of the 3 rose bushes ordered.
Only one successful graft, which ends with 3 shoots of 3mm (0in) in diameter. In a garden centre, even at 3 euros, I wouldn't have bought it. Might as well wait until 10/08, at lidl, for 2.99 euros, the rose looks like a rose. On your website, you say you have 41 left, reassure me, did you send me the most puny one? RESPONSE FROM PROMESSE DE FLEURS We are truly sorry as we place great importance on the quality of our plants and their success rate. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us at and we will proceed with a refund or replacement if necessary.

Maguy Prévot

Rosa damascena Trigintipetala - Damask Rose

Rosa damascena Trigintipetala - Damask Rose

Product sheet

After one year, both fields of plants are full of flowers now! I took them for herbal tea, blissful!


Valserhone-Lancrans, FRANCE" would be translated as "Valserhone-Lancrans, FRANCE" in British English.
None of the 3 vine-plants took, even though they were planted as soon as they were received. What a shame.
