All reviews for category Countryside Hedges

Cornus mas - European Cornel

Cornus mas - European Cornel

Product sheet

Beautiful young plant that only needs to flower. Mild winters accelerate this lovely scented flowering. Bush vigorous in combination with other natural essential oils for a very colourful and lively hedgerow.


RAS" is an abbreviation for "rien à signaler" in French, which translates to "nothing to report" in British English.
RAS" can be translated to "No news" or "Nothing to report" in British English.

Jean Michel G.

North East
Beautiful young plant. Perfect for my edible hedge.


Beautiful young plant
What are these little shoots that have tried to come out next to the midrib and have been cut.

Brigitte J.

R A S" is an abbreviation for "Rien à signaler" in French, which translates to "Nothing to report" in British English.
well packed, pruned to a good size, this one arrived as fresh as if I had bought it the same day.

Monique P.

Arrived safely and on time.
The slightly stained leaves, I gave them a bath. Following your advice, remove the damaged leaves after planting (good period of waning moon to follow.

Jean A.

It's always a real pleasure to receive our Promesse de Fleurs order.

Stéphane R.

From the looks of it, the bush doesn't seem to be in good shape upon delivery.
To be seen in the spring....

Isabelle F.

planted the same day, and now waiting for spring!
The package could have been better closed.

sylvie B.

out of its pot
The plastic around it was poorly attached unlike the other bushes. But it seems to be in good shape.

Martine F.