All reviews for category Caryopteris

Caryopteris clandonensis Grand Bleu - Bluebeard

Caryopteris clandonensis Grand Bleu - Bluebeard

Product sheet

I have received the blue spirea in perfect condition.
as usual the young plant is very beautiful, thank you for it

Jacqueline V.

She seems like a good product to me.
At the moment, the young plant seems to be in good condition and happy to live in Versailles! It has several flower buds that I hope will kindly agree to bloom!

ginette D.

Arrived in good condition, transplanted, appears vigorous.

Raoul F.

These young plants received in very good condition have been planted for only 8 days.
Placed in a large pot and seems to have taken well.

Christiane N.

They are all alive.
I went to see them again and they still seem very much alive (this corrects the previous comment).

Lena H.

2 alive, 1 appears to be dead
we'll see later

Lena H.

Wait a moment!
The caryopteris and the abelia confetti They haven't produced any leaves yet: so I am still waiting a little while longer to find out if they are alive and well! Thank you for your interest. Lena Havenith

Lena H.

No news - looking good

monique N.

They grew beautifully when they found their final location.

daniele B.

I'm eagerly anticipating the flowering.

Françoise C.