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All reviews for category Rubus - Blackberry

Rubus tricolor

Rubus tricolor

Product sheet

Farvagny-le-Grand, Switzerland
Planted nearly a month ago, the young plant seems to have already recovered and its foliage remains green despite the season.


Rubus henryi bambusarum

Rubus henryi bambusarum

Product sheet

Excellent service. Well done for the quick delivery and packaging. Well done for this evergreen climbing Rubus, specific research area plant offered exclusively. Laurent M

Laurent M.

It's a shame to present it as "thorny" when it's hardly thorny at all, which completely changes everything for a rather invasive young plant! As usual, it's necessary to verify the information on each data sheet, very nice presentation but no seriousness - half of the data sheets contain significant errors!


Rubus spectabilis Olympic Double

Rubus spectabilis Olympic Double

Product sheet

Cork (Belgium)
The second attempt is more conclusive. Some young leaves have fallen due to the prolonged drought and despite the watering, but the young plant is doing well. I hope it will have gained enough strength to face the winter.


Entraigues Sur La Sorgue" -> "Entraigues upon La Sorgue
Vine-plant magnifique à la réception. Mais je pense à cause de la canicule de l'été dernier, la young plant n'a pas repris.


Cork (United Kingdom)
Order received promptly. Packaging OK (one branch broken, but several others in good condition). Placed in partial shade and well-watered, yet its foliage did not withstand the various heatwaves of this year: all the leaves have dried up. I pruned the branches, they still appear to be alive (green at the core), but I'm unsure if it will regrow from its stump. For now, it's playing dead...


Beautiful young plant in flower that truly promises new flowers.


Beautiful plant
This is the 2nd young plant I'm buying. The young plant is very vigorous, I hope the flowering will be as beautiful as in the picture. Can't wait for spring!

Mireille T.

The young plant is very beautiful.

Annie C.

As expected

Marc W.