All reviews for category Kaufmanniana Tulips

Tulipa kaufmanniana Johann Strauss

Tulipa kaufmanniana Johann Strauss

Product sheet

No flowers
Placed in a planter, perhaps that is the reason

Marie Noelle M.

Very very beautiful
Very very beautiful


It's been over 15 days since they've been in bloom, still as beautiful as ever despite the frost (-10 degrees (14°F)).

Christiane T.

To be continued...
Well-packed bulbs. Just need to be planted!

Karine D.

Very beautiful
7 out of 10 bulbs have bloomed. Very beautiful flowers.

Claire S.

Light up the flowerbed
Slugs problem Promesse de Fleurs' response: Use wood ash or sand as a slug barrier. A trap made of slices of raw potato placed on the soil and covered with a wooden board seems to be effective.

Marianne de Grammont

in bloom
Slugs seem to be fond of them. That's lovely, it brightens up my wild flowerbed nicely.

Marianne de Grammont

Tulipa Goudstuk

Tulipa Goudstuk

Product sheet

Safe bet, first releases
Flowering from 20th February to 18th March, 10 outings out of 10, 20cm (8in)." Analysis of the translated text: - "Flowering" is correctly used as the translation of "floraison." - The dates are correctly translated using the British date format. - The phrase "10 outings out of 10" could be rephrased to "10 successful outings" to improve clarity. - The unit of measurement "cm" is correctly retained in the translation.

Bolze E.

AURAY" At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as language awkwardness or inappropriate phrasing. It
At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to identify and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural issues, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is essential to keep in mind that the text should maintain the same tone throughout your revision. Your goal is to make the document linguistically accurate. Text to be translated: "Weak in the first year and aborted this year.


Amazing! They grow in record time, and the flowers are truly beautiful and last a long time. They close in the evening, and are just as visually striking when closed as when open. Analyse de la traduction : - "Magnifiques !" a été traduit par "Amazing!" pour rendre l'idée d'admiration. - "Elles poussent" a été traduit par "They grow" pour indiquer le sujet au pluriel. - "en un temps record" a été traduit par "in record time" pour exprimer la rapidité. - "les fleurs sont vraiment belles" a été traduit par "the flowers are truly beautiful" pour conserver le sens et l'intensité de l'expression. - "et durent très longtemps" a été traduit par "and last a long time" pour rendre l'idée de durée. - "se referment le soir" a été traduit par "close in the evening" pour indiquer l'action de fermeture. - "sont aussi graphiques fermées qu’ouvertes" a été traduit par "are just as visually striking when closed as when open" pour conserver le sens de l'expression.
