All reviews for category Single-flowering dahlia

Dahlia Bishop of York

Dahlia Bishop of York

Product sheet

Out of the three bulbs, only one is of good size.

Henry S.

elegant and bright
Less straw yellow than in the photo, more saffron in fact, delicate, long slender stems that blend well with other plants. Very good.

marie Duriez

Beautiful rhizome
I have had the same dahlia before and it complements other flowering plants beautifully. Its dark green stems and foliage, along with its numerous yellow flowers, are very elegant. I am now reconciled with buying plants by mail order: I ordered 3 dahlias and received 3 beautiful rhizomes.

valerie perretant

Sarre union" should be translated as "Sarre Union" in British English.
I wanted the Dahlia Bishop of York and finally after long weeks of waiting, what a surprise, the 4 ordered Dahlias were red. What a disappointment. Comment from Promesse de fleurs: We are sorry for the inconvenience, we suggest you contact us to arrange for a refund or a re-shipment next spring.

FRANCIS, de Sarre Union, le 14/09/14

To be used in flower beds, recommended for those who do not like pompon dahlias, the product appears to be of good quality, will have to wait a few weeks to see...


Dahlia Bishop of Dover

Dahlia Bishop of Dover

Product sheet

I am disappointed because the flowers are pink when I bought it for white flowers. I thought there was a mistake but after a new order and a new year, still pink, dull flowers. Too bad because the photo on the website was enticing.


The Bourgneuf-La-Forêt
Beautiful flowers, the plant is magnificent!


I believe I have been sent the wrong product.
I believe I have been sent the wrong product. It is flowering pink with purple foliage. I have taken photos to send you a complaint. PROMESSE DE FLEURS RESPONSE: We are truly sorry as we place great importance on the quality of our plants and their growth. If you are experiencing any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us at or by email at and we will proceed with a replacement or refund if necessary.

Catherine Boursier

Certain tubers are very small indeed!
Likewise, let's wait for the release ....

suzanne godey

The Vésinet
The most beautiful of dahlias. Large, simple white flowers, and a very dark foliage absolutely sublime!
