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All reviews for category Chinese Cabbage

Chinese Cabbage Tsoi Sim Choy Sum - Brassica rapa

Chinese Cabbage Tsoi Sim Choy Sum - Brassica rapa

Product sheet

River of the Wolf
Il s'agit de plants que j'ai reçus, je ne sais pas comment on peut les manger. Est-ce qu'on mange les grosses feuilles du bas ? Comment doit-on préparer les fleurs ? Merci.


River of the Wolf
Il s'agit de plants que j'ai reçus, je ne sais pas comment on peut les manger. Est-ce qu'on mange les grandes feuilles du bas ? Comment doit-on les préparer ? Doit-on couper les fleurs ? Merci.


Chinese Cabbage Granaat - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Chinese Cabbage Granaat - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Esmoulières" would be translated as "Wood sorrel" in British English.
This cabbage is wonderful, I have been consuming it since I was little, it is very tasty, the traditional cabbage to eat cooked. Unfortunately, it is rarely (if not absent) on the store shelves, so I had lost sight of it... In Vietnamese cuisine, we cook it in small pieces in a pan with half a minced onion, alongside 1/4 of a steak cut into small pieces and sautéed in the pan, alongside cooking broken rice, serve by mixing cabbage and steak, accompanied by rice and Vietnamese sauce.

Cédric Pamela Vetty

Chinese cabbage Taisai - Pak Choi - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Chinese cabbage Taisai - Pak Choi - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Zone 8
This is an excellent vegetable. I love it. I have sown it in a bed in my kitchen garden and enjoy it every three days. Very pleased to have enough stock to renew my sowings.


not sown
it's for this year

Didier J.

Mizuna Cabbage - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Mizuna Cabbage - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Rather disappointed
Good germination but sensitive to flea beetles. Goes to seed quickly, so you need to harvest leaf by leaf fairly quickly. Average taste, not very interesting in salads.

Pierre B.

in cultivation
Sowing well started, on the plot after the cultivation of peas, I am waiting for what comes next.

brigitte P.



Compliant with the order
Good value for money