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All reviews for category Echinacea seeds

Echinacea purpurea White Swan - Purple Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea White Swan - Purple Coneflower

Product sheet

Dear and slow delivery
High unit price, letter-sized order still not received 5 days after shipment. The quality of the young plant is not in question.

Fabien P.

Savigny-sous-Malain (Burgundy)
I sowed them in situ, but to this day, only 2 leaves have emerged from the soil in October 2015! I am disappointed, but maybe I'll see something in the spring! Response from Promesse De Fleurs: Ideally, they should be sown in a tray in spring for transplanting in autumn. It's possible that the other seeds will germinate next spring.


Echinacea Magic Box - Purple Coneflower seeds

Echinacea Magic Box - Purple Coneflower seeds

Product sheet

Dear and slow delivery
High unit price, letter-sized order still not received 5 days after shipment. The quality of the young plant is not in question.

Fabien P.

I can't give an opinion, as the package received at the collection point was partially open and the packet was not inside. I contacted Promesse de fleurs, who kindly promised to send a replacement packet, which I still haven't received as of day 5 from the announced delivery date.


Echinacea Pink Parasol - Purple Coneflower seeds

Echinacea Pink Parasol - Purple Coneflower seeds

Product sheet

Half successful
She starts to flower.


For the moment, I haven't sown it yet.


Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry - Purple beak Rudbeckia seeds

Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry - Purple beak Rudbeckia seeds

Product sheet

By respecting the basic principles, I achieved a very good result for my sowing (see photo). P.S.: 4 different naked Echinacea.


Very disappointed
Out of 12 seeds, none of them have sprouted.

Séverine C.

Chamousset" is a term in French that refers to a type of sock that covers only the foot, without extending up the leg. In British English, this would be translated as "footlet" or "footie sock".
I would be inclined to give the plant a rating of 5, but I give a rating of 0.5 for the quality of the seeds. (Supplier or storage problem?) For a sowing of 10 seeds, only 2 have germinated. A success rate of 20% for a packet costing €9.50... It's just not right. PROMESSE DE FLEURS' RESPONSE: We are truly sorry if you are experiencing any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will proceed with replacement or refund if necessary.


Echinacea purpurea Magnus Seeds - Purple Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea Magnus Seeds - Purple Coneflower

Product sheet

I hope it will germinate well and that they will be beautiful because indeed we can count the seeds!
