All reviews for category Linaria - Toadflax

Linaria anticaria Antique Silver

Linaria anticaria Antique Silver

Product sheet

Very beautiful young plant has recovered well.


Just like the sand carnation! Strong shoots, almost overflowing from the bucket, dense, fresh, strongly rooted, nothing to say! Very beautiful! Only the flowers are missing!

Christophe A.

Withered, broken shoots. The successful development of the young plant seems hypothetical to me.

Françoise C.

Subtle, but very lovely
Drought resistant

Elizabeth Blot

Linaria purpurea Canon J. Went

Linaria purpurea Canon J. Went

Product sheet

South West France
Very pretty, bought in April, already in flower. Graphic young plant with natural allure. Seems drought-resistant.


St Sébastien S/Loire" can be translated to "St Sébastien sur Loire" in British English.
Thank you for this new delivery. Young plant OK.


... Arrived well, and vigorous BUT, it's not Canon Went... you sent me 3 regular Linaria purpurea.


Beautiful young plant
Beautiful little young plant, of which I have no doubt it will thrive. Thanks to Promesse de fleurs.

Laure M.

Very delicate seedling
(Balcony cultivation) Apparently, the young linaire plants are very fragile to heat and sunlight, ideally they should be initially grown in partial shade, protected from direct sunlight and heat, before repotting them. Unfortunately, my two plants did not survive.

Alain M.

A little disappointed. The flowers have bloomed but then completely disappeared. I hope they are not completely dead.