All reviews for category Stokesia

Stokesia laevis Traumerei

Stokesia laevis Traumerei

Product sheet

for all these young plants I am, of course, awaiting the flowering!

Denise D.

Impossible to know the colour.....
They have grown very well, but the flowers remain "green", I don't understand.

Francine S.

Very good condition

Francine S.

Beautiful healthy young plant
Same comment as for the Shapcott Gossamer vine-plant: Planted upon receipt, I am eagerly awaiting its flowering. The flower is of good quality, like all the ones I have received, which is not always the case for online orders.

Brigitte G.

Stokesia laevis Blue Star

Stokesia laevis Blue Star

Product sheet

Laventie, France
Out of the three young plants received, one was feeble. I've tried to save it, but I despair of succeeding. However, the other two seem to be doing quite well despite the current lack of sunlight and warmth, and the excessively high humidity.


South Peynier, France
Not knowing this plant, I long to see its flowering. Perfect neck.


Hello, plant received well protected in a sturdy plastic packaging. It arrived in a small bucket with already some beautiful leaves. I planted it yesterday in the open ground, it just has to shoot. I had ordered a white one last year. It flowered well throughout last summer.


Planted on the day of receipt, the young plant should thrive.


The young plants have suffered during transportation, we will see if they recover nonetheless.


Planted as soon as received. I had put it a bit too much in the shade and it wasn't growing much. I moved it and planted it facing south. It enjoys its new exposure much more. It has already produced 3 flowers and it still has other buds.
