All reviews for category Stokesia

Stokesia laevis Mary Gregory

Stokesia laevis Mary Gregory

Product sheet

Beautiful plant
Many leaf rosettes, well supplied.

Kristell B.

R A S" stands for "Rien à signaler" in French, which translates to "Nothing to report" in British English.
R A S" stands for "Rien à signaler" in French, which translates to "Nothing to report" in British English.

Daniel L.

Monitored every day by slugs ...and by the gardener.

Geneviève B.

Good young plant
I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops further in the garden.

Francine L.

Pretty flower
Dense foliage and lovely blooms, even though I only had 2 this year.

Raphaëlle D.

I am not familiar with this young plant. To be seen in the bole.

Francine Soyer