All reviews for category Summer flowering perennials

Collection of 6 Delphinium Pacific

Collection of 6 Delphinium Pacific

Product sheet

The young plants arrived in good condition, promptly.


The 2 Black Knight are weak and not very promising.

Nathalie J.

Arrived in good condition!
I took the risk of ordering in August, too impatient... . All the young plants I ordered arrived in a proper condition. Just need to take care of them and wait for the shoots to grow.

Muriel L.

Very disappointed with my order
2 buckets received with yellow leaves, 2 others cut almost to the ground and 2 other buckets, nothing is visible. Very disappointed, I don't think I will place another order. I would have expected to have at least a few leaves on each delphinium, as seen in your photos, but there is nothing except for 2, and the leaves are very yellow. The delphiniums are very sad.

Manuel B.

Only 3 out of the 6 have recovered, poor quality.

vincent P.

Four point five
I was surprised to have only 5 young plants out of 6. These plants arrived in good condition.

Goasmat N.

2 feet have no leaves and just a blackened stem tip. Once again, I notice that the packaging is not careful enough.

Nadyne F.

young plants
Small young plants, some even very small, arrived with numerous brown (rotten) or broken leaves. Recovery of the plants is not guaranteed due to the small size of the plants and the transport conditions.... :-((

Jérôme C.

A portion of the leaves is in a sorry state, with some stems being black.

Joelle P.

Arrived in good condition, I am eagerly anticipating the flowering of next year.

Claudine E.