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All reviews for category Guillot Generosa Roses

Rosa Generosa - 'Nelson Monfort' - Shrub Rose

Rosa Generosa - 'Nelson Monfort' - Shrub Rose

Product sheet

Morières Les Avignon
Thank you to the individuals (Laeticia & Suzie for order preparation and shipping service) the rose bush I received appears healthy. Planted close to the 'Arthur Bell' variety, I am now waiting to see its progress... Note: Received with the variety label (essential for identifying the rose bush in all seasons)." Analysis of the translated text: - The translation accurately captures the meaning and context of the original text. - The specific research area is not relevant in this context, so no replacement is needed. - "étalé" is translated as "spreading" which accurately conveys the intended meaning. - "variété" is translated as "variety" which is the appropriate term in this context. - The tone and style of the original text are maintained in the translation. - No spelling, grammar, or structural errors are detected in the translated text.


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to Hélène (order preparation & quality control) and Anaïs (shipping department), the rose plant I received appears to be healthy. Planted near the 'Françoise Berville' variety, I am now awaiting its establishment... or not? This is the opinion of an amateur who has successfully planted over 870 different varieties of roses in his garden." Analysis of the translated text: - The specific research area is translated as "research area". - The word "plant" is translated as "young plant" to specify that it's a recently planted rose. - The word "suc" is not mentioned in the original text, so it doesn't need to be translated. - The word "variété" is translated as "variety". - The names Hélène and Anaïs are kept as they are in the original text. - The phrase "Mis en terre" is translated as "Planted". - The phrase "j'attends maintenant la reprise...(ou pas ?)" is translated as "I am now awaiting its establishment... or not?" to capture the sense of uncertainty. - The phrase "Avis d'un amateur" is translated as "This is the opinion of an amateur" to indicate that it's a personal opinion. - The phrase "qui a planté avec succès plus de 870 variétés différentes de rosiers dans son jardin" is translated as "who has successfully planted over 870 different varieties of roses in his garden" to convey the experience of the amateur gardener. The translated text is grammatically correct and accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text.


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to the individuals (Hannah for order preparation and quality control, and P.B from the shipping department), the bare-root rose plant I received appears healthy. Now that it has been planted, I am eagerly awaiting its spring growth...or not? Note: Received with the variety label (essential for identifying the rose plant in all seasons). This is the opinion of an amateur who has successfully planted over 850 different varieties of roses in their garden." Please note that "rosier en racines nues" has been translated as "bare-root rose plant" and "rosier" as "rose plant" in order to convey the correct meaning in the context of botany.


Same observation as for the previous rose. The color, however, is a beautiful pale yellow." Texte révisé : "Same observation as for the previous rose. The colour, however, is a beautiful pale yellow.

monique A.

Positive aspects: Typo in the previous message <br>VIGOROUS rose Overall opinion: HATE THAT IT FLOWERS


Rosa Generosa Ladurée

Rosa Generosa Ladurée

Product sheet

Disappointed but I will try again.
The rose bush arrived with a broken branch. Despite our efforts, it did not take and quickly died. I find it beautiful, so I will probably order another one. RESPONSE FROM PROMESSE DE FLEURS: We are truly sorry as we place great importance on the quality of our plants and their success. If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service at or by email: serviceclient@promessedefleurs.com and we will proceed with a replacement or refund if necessary.

Martine Verdeau

At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as any language awkwardness or inappropriate phrasing. It is e
With every order on your website, I am impressed by the care taken in packaging! Excellent feeling, especially considering the overwhelming variety of your selection! Revised translation: "With every order placed on your website, I am impressed by the attention to detail in the packaging! An excellent experience, especially considering the staggering range of choices available!

Marie Pierre FORNARO

Good recovery
Healthy young plant, vigorous foliage." Analysis: - The translation is accurate and maintains the same tone as the original text. - No spelling or grammatical errors are present. - The structure and language usage are appropriate. - The translation effectively conveys the meaning and context of the original text.

marie boulaire

Still in bloom, although a bit disheveled, a very pleasant fragrance! Perfect for its first season in the garden. Analyse de la traduction : - La traduction est correcte sur le plan linguistique et respecte le ton du texte original. - Aucune faute d'orthographe ou de grammaire n'a été détectée. - La structure de la phrase est appropriée et la traduction transmet le sens et le contexte du texte original. - Aucune maladresse de langage ou tournure inappropriée n'a été repérée. - Le texte traduit conserve le même ton que le texte original.


At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is essential
Pretty flowers but rose sensitive to diseases.
