All reviews for category Malus - Crabapple

Malus Evereste - Crab Apple

Malus Evereste - Crab Apple

Product sheet

Dannemoine" is a small commune located in the Burgundy region of France.
I am ordering with a friend who the crab apple tree is intended for, it is sturdy and well-flowered.


Positive aspects: The small apples are really cute in late autumn. Negative aspects: Quite messy. Overall review: Also good for the flowering: the tree is covered with small white flowers, it's charming.


Malus Red Sentinel - Crab Apple

Malus Red Sentinel - Crab Apple

Product sheet

Val D'Auge" would be translated as "Auge Valley" in British English.
Excellent quality, planted the naked root in January and it's leafing out and about to flower. Really great pruning and shape too.


Very well
In great shape after the winter!

Dominique L.

Saint Fargeau-Ponthierry
Express delivery respected. Tree very well packed despite difficult-to-remove cellophane, resulting in the removal of some flowers. Very beautiful tree, larger than expected. I will reserve a special place for it in my garden, hoping for a successful establishment.


Very well!
Delivery successfully completed, package in good condition and tree compliant! Pruning smaller than the sales promises!

Dominique L.

Fast delivery and young plants well preserved in packaging, no unpleasant surprises about the pruning of the plants.

Josette L.

Nod on the Seine 21
The tree appears to be of good habit but it is sold as 1.50 meters (5 feet) or more and unfortunately, it is only 1.20 meters (4 feet)! I am a bit disappointed, the difference is significant and the price is the same!


Product very well packaged. Immediate planting in a 50 cm³ hole with planting soil. Not many leaves, but could it be normal? Hoping for a long life.

Jean M.

Beautiful well-developed specimen, delivered with a stake, in good condition and well-packaged, swift delivery. Thank you for your professionalism.

Matthieu B.