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All reviews for category Prunus

Prunus serrula - Tibetan Cherry

Prunus serrula - Tibetan Cherry

Product sheet

Nantes region
Vine-plant received in perfect condition and planted as soon as it was received.


Perfect, thank you!

Tom T.

Je suis désolé, mais "gipcy" n'est pas un mot français. Pourriez-vous fournir un texte ou une phrase complète à traduire en anglais britannique ? Je serai ravi de vous aider.
The plant corresponds well to what was mentioned. Perfect packaging.


Lyon region
excellent neck growth, well-balanced young plant and bark of the expected colour


Lovely bush, it has taken very well, I am looking forward to the growth to admire its bark. Perfect delivery.


Eastern France
Hello, Product received a year ago, in good condition, very good growth. Many small branches have emerged, should I prune it? I have in mind that cherry trees should not be pruned, but I think it's different in this case. Thank you for informing me.


Very disappointed
This bush is pruned haphazardly at the base. I wonder how long it will take to recover from all this, even though it has many branches. However, I do appreciate its tall habit.

Jacqueline A.

Angoulême (16000)
I forgot to mention that the visible bark is not red but yellow!!!


Angoulême (16000)" would be translated as "Angoulême (16000)" in British English as it is a proper noun and refers to a specific location.
1) You pruned the branches too much for the specific research area. 2) The package was not strapped. 3) The package was pierced in one place and dented in another, I don't congratulate Chronopost, the delivery person was very nice, but not very professional!


Very beautiful colour
The tree has recovered very well, it is a coppice shoots. Its trunk already has a very interesting colour.

Sylvie B.