All reviews for category Giant Dahlia

Dahlia Thomas A. Edison

Dahlia Thomas A. Edison

Product sheet

Anizy Le Grand
Beautiful dahlia, it is giant as advertised, the colour is magnificent - I love its colour - and plenty of buds - never disappointed by "promises of flowers".


Anizy Le Grand
Absolutely stunning dahlia, it's as huge as advertised, the colour is magnificent - You never tire of admiring them - and abundant buds - never disappointed by "flower promises".


The Tour-D'Aigues
Hello, I am very disappointed with this dahlia that only has the name 'giant' but is actually a normal-sized dahlia.


Very well
The best of the 10...

Philippe D.

Very satisfied.
Very pleased as always with the speed of the delivery . .

Marguerite R.

Same here

Florence M.

Beautiful bulb of very good quality. Thank you.

Monique G.

Zone 7
Hello, beautiful healthy bulbs, I have opened the packaging while waiting for planting. Fast delivery the next day, so everything is perfect. Thank you.


I recently placed an order for 27 dahlia bulbs and I received 2 or 3 damaged bulbs (the tubers were detached from the stem or the tubers were filled with water and hollow, emitting a very bad smell) due to transportation or the extremely cold conditions during transportation. I called one of your specialists twice and they will be sending me 3 replacement dahlias. I want to specify that these were giant dahlias, specifically the Thomas Edison and Fantaste du Cap varieties.

Marie-Christine G.

Gorgeous flowers
The flowers are magnificent, enormous, unfolding very slowly (a very pleasant suspense). One is a deep violet, the other in lighter tones. Both are tall, graceful. I hope they will fill out a bit and become more leafy.

Annie-Laurie S.