All reviews for category Winter flowering Clematis

Clematis armandii - Evergreen Clematis

Clematis armandii - Evergreen Clematis

Product sheet

beautiful, healthy plant
Delighted to finally own this clematis that I've been dreaming of, hoping that it will thrive in the back of my garden...

Danielle Perrée

I'm waiting for the blooming.

Liliane Navarro

Perigueux Dordogne
I have read the above article and I am still perplexed. The description paragraph states that the blooming is highly fragrant, which contradicts the following paragraph that says it is non-fragrant! What should I believe? Response from Promesse de Fleurs: This plant has fragrant flowers.


Parien region
The delivery is fast and the plants are very well protected. The plant is well-preserved. I have planted it and it seems to be thriving. Very good website.


A fast-growing clematis, planted under a lilac tree, received in August, it has survived this winter until -8 degrees (17.6°F), it is now March and three new very vigorous branches are clinging to the lilac.


Tournus" is a commune in the Burgundy region of France.
Beautiful, fragrant and very exotic, I love everything about it. However, I have planted it in a pot and bring it inside my garage during winter, I didn't dare to put it in the ground.




Broken stake and crushed plant stem. This plant was transported 'upside down' and the pot was not secured inside the packaging. But this is the first time I've had this kind of problem with Promesse de fleurs. I cut above the only viable bud and planted it.


Clematis armandii Apple Blossom

Clematis armandii Apple Blossom

Product sheet

My previous orders were packed with great care by a Tetris champion! I also thank you for the quality of your customer service.


