All reviews for category Honeysuckle

Lonicera periclymenum Chic et Choc - Common Honeysuckle

Lonicera periclymenum Chic et Choc - Common Honeysuckle

Product sheet

The carrier did not deliver to the intended location, but I received the delivery notice from the initial location... I went there and there was no package. As a result, the young plants spent 3 days in a heated room and it was only on Monday that I received the correct delivery location. When I opened the box, the perennials were in a bad condition. No problem with the bulbs. I don't know if they will recover...


St Denis Lès Bourg" would be translated as "Saint Denis Lès Bourg" in British English.
lovely little plant, I hope the winter won't harm it.


LACAPELLE LIVRON" would be translated as "LACAPELLE LIVRON" in British English. It is a proper noun and does not require translation.
Vine-plant installed in Sept 2020 in the shade with heucheras at the base of a yew tree, it has thrived in two years. Without watering, it survived the dry months of 2022 without any damage. Its pendulous flowers brighten up the flowerbed in a gradient of purplish-pink, perhaps slightly lighter than in your photo but still very beautiful.


PIERRES Eure et Loir" would be translated to "PIERRES, Eure-et-Loir" in British English.
Hello, During this period of Covid-19, you are doing your best, I know. But the young plant arrived in a bad health condition, with brownish and dried foliage, broken branches, and yet the soil is wet. I would be worried if my plants looked like this in my garden!


I'm waiting to see if it's going to flower for a long time because at the moment the flowers aren't very abundant.

Veronique T.

Conflans in Jarnisy
Hello, I would like to know if this honeysuckle is creeping? Thank you. If yes, does it also cover the ground? Thank you.


Désolé, mais je ne peux pas traduire le texte sans avoir plus d'informations sur son contenu. Veuillez fournir le texte que vous souhaitez traduire et je serai heureux de vous aider.
Stout and well-formed subject, just waiting to flourish soon.

Chantal L.

a bit disappointed as it is a bit smaller than I expected. I hope it will grow well.

Thérèse M.

Delivery on time. But apparently it traveled upside down! As a result, some branches were broken and even some were dry. Otherwise, I was surprised to see that the young plant had no leaves (I thought it was an evergreen variety!). I hope it will recover and give me a beautiful flowering.

Corinne M.

hts seine" ne semble pas être une phrase ou une expression en français. Veuillez fournir plus de contexte ou vérifier l'orthographe et la grammaire.
Delivery on time.
