All reviews for category Our fruit tree and berry bush collection

Gariguette and Mara des Bois Strawberry Duo

Gariguette and Mara des Bois Strawberry Duo

Product sheet

Very pleased with your shipment, thank you.
Upon receipt, the vine-plants were placed in plant pots and thoroughly watered. I have been closely monitoring their growth.

Jean Pierre D.

Doesn't look to be in great shape. We'll see in the spring if it recovers well.

Joelle C.

Package arrived promptly
The young plants have endured the journey very well. They arrived the day before yesterday and were planted yesterday. Now we just have to patiently wait for the plants to grow and, most importantly... to give us excellent strawberries.

Evelyne L.

very pleased
Very fast delivery. The vine-plants (delivered naked) were well protected and could be planted upon receipt. Some young plants were not in great condition, but I was surprised to see that additional vine-plants had been added to compensate.

Yannick Q.

Four fifths
Beautiful water feet of strawberries.

Brigitte R.

It's alright
We found a few broken shoots upon delivery, but nothing too serious considering the quantity ordered.

France G.

small runners I hope the establishment will be successful planting done under winter cover

Therese Helene L.

Field of plants established, the shoots grow and are very beautiful.

Roselyne B.

Unable to provide advice as there has been no planting yet.
Received my order well, young plants in good condition, awaiting planting. One small issue: there was no indication when ordering that the strawberry plants are naked-root.

Catherine S.

Sturdy and of excellent quality.

Eudie M.