All reviews for category Lunaria

Lunaria annua - Money Plant

Lunaria annua - Money Plant

Product sheet

Lovely shade of bright purple
Very good recovery. The flowers, "flowers", illuminate the vegetable garden alongside orange marigolds. Self-seeds and allows for quickly densifying the flowerbeds.

mael B.

Small seedlings immediately in place, I eagerly await what comes next!

Odile D.

Very well
Packing of the young plants very well done. Fast delivery.

Françoise V.

To be seen during the growth.

Jacques B.

The small clumps were mishandled during transportation, the roots ended up naked, I hope that the growth won't be compromised!

Odile D.

Did not survive the winter but were refunded to me.

Véronique H.

they start to flower, very well.

pascal M.

Planted after receiving, there is currently only a single small leaf shoot that resembles those of the money plant. There were no planting instructions accompanying the plug plants. Has the winter been too cold and they didn't survive?


Waiting for autumn
The young plants have been planted. They are growing well. We are waiting for the flowers.

Marie-Claude L.

Healthy plant, looking forward to planting and harvesting.
