All reviews for category Sagina

Sagina subulata Pine Green

Sagina subulata Pine Green

Product sheet

Fairly good condition
An average recovery, but young plants still alive and starting to shoot.

Gerbex J.

Montreuil (93)" would be translated into British English as "Montreuil (postcode 93)".
3 naked young plants arrived safely and immediately planted. It will be interesting to see their progress in a few months. While I am willing to pay an extra £1 for 100% cardboard packaging (although I think it should be the people who want plastic packaging who should pay this extra pound), there is a real question to ask about the volume of the container versus the volume of the content. For 6 small pots, I had packaging that was at least 80x40x20 cm (8in), plus a huge amount of cut cardboard to hold everything together. As a result, it was all very heavy for very little.
